Berufliche Erfahrung
Internship on consumer protection and competition, Economic Regulatory Framework Section, Air Transport Bureau, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Montreal
Diplome und akademische Titel
- LL.M. in Air and Space Law, McGill University
- Leiden-Sarin International Air Law Moot Court Competition, Chandigarh, India (5-7 Avril 2019), Prix : Best Memorial for the Respondent
- Master’s degree in Law, focus on Intellectual Property Law, Université Catholique de Louvain
- Bachelor’s degree in Law, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles
- Master’s degree in political science, focus on European politics, ULiège
- Participation in the Jean Pictet Competition in International Humanitarian Law (semi-finalist), Kanchanaburi, Thailand (March 2-9, 2013)
- Bachelor’s degree in political science, ULiège
Seine/ihre neuesten Veröffentlichungen/Vorträge
- publicationFanny COTON, Anne-Valentine RENSONNET
, "Exemption des amendes administratives prévues par le R.G.P.D. à l'égard des autorités publiques : état des lieux", J.L.M.B., 2022/33, p. 1462-1468.
- ConférenceAnne-Valentine RENSONNET, Alexandre CASSART
, „High-altitude surveillance and data protection: Space, the final frontier of privacy?“, in Time to reshape the digital society – International conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of the CRIDS, Namur, 18 novembre 2021.
- publicationAlexandre CASSART, Anne-Valentine RENSONNET
, "High-altitude surveillance and data protection: Space, the final frontier of privacy?", in H. Jacquemin (coord.), Time to reshape the digital society, Larcier, 2021.
Beitrag (Beiträge)
- publicationFanny COTON, Anne-Valentine RENSONNET
, "Exemption des amendes administratives prévues par le R.G.P.D. à l'égard des autorités publiques : état des lieux", J.L.M.B., 2022/33, p. 1462-1468.
- publicationAlexandre CASSART, Anne-Valentine RENSONNET
, "High-altitude surveillance and data protection: Space, the final frontier of privacy?", in H. Jacquemin (coord.), Time to reshape the digital society, Larcier, 2021.
- publicationAnne-Valentine RENSONNET, Alexandre CASSART
, "L'usage des drones civils par les entreprises : analyse du nouveau cadre juridique européen", DAOR, 136, 2020.
- publicationAnne-Valentine RENSONNET
, "The EU Export Control Regime. Standards for the Walloon Region?" in Modelling Dual-Use Trade Control Systems, Odette Jankowitsch-Prevor, Quentin Michel and Sylvain Paile, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2014
- Anne-Valentine RENSONNET, Alexandre CASSART
, „High-altitude surveillance and data protection: Space, the final frontier of privacy?“, in Time to reshape the digital society – International conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of the CRIDS, Namur, 18 novembre 2021.
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