Objet :
Un modèle de testament olographe et une relecture du testament que vous avez rédigé par l’un des membres du cabinet
Services offerts :
- Modèle de testament olographe visant à régler votre succession numérique en Belgique
- Entretien-conseil (1 heure) à l’un de nos bureaux ou en visioconférence (suivant votre choix)
Tarif :
175 € HTVA (211,75 TVAC)
Lexing only grants a non exclusive, personal and non transferrable license for all personal uses of the contract by the client. If a broader use is needed (for the use by third parties such as clients of the client for example), the client is required to contact us in order to agree on a specific license which is in line with its needs.
These documents are protected by copyright. Any transfer to third parties, even free of charge, is therefore illegal.